Dynamic Filter Procedures

Administrators and other power users building custom queries and custom reporting pages can now create their own Dynamic Filter Procedures to enable Filter Controls as drop-down options for the end users running the new reports. This also allows you to define how the data will display in custom data entry tables where validation is used in the filter controls.

To create and enable a Dynamic Procedure, select Queries -> Page Builder -> Dynamic Filter Procedures.

To create a new Filter Procedure:

  1. Use the data entry grid and select the + New to add a new line item.

  2. Create a name (title) for the new Dynamic Procedure.

  3. Include a Source Table including the FAST schema and the Table name.

  4. Identify the Value Column and the Display Column (you may concatenate or edit the display in whatever way you wish for it to appear for your users).

  5. Include a WHERE clause and ORDER BY clause (optional).

  6. Click Save to review your changes.

You can view your results and the associated values by clicking the Preview icon:


You can also drill-down to see the places in the application that the associated filter procedure is currently being used by clicking on the "In Use" check mark



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