Overview: Manage Reporting Pages

On the Manage Custom Reports page, you can view report details, download the report to your computer, view the amount of times the report has been run and who ran it, and edit or delete the report. This is also where you will test and approve a custom report when you are finished creating your reporting page.

Required roles:

You must have one of the following roles to do tasks on this page (listed by Role ID):

Opening the Manage Reporting Page:

  1. From the FAST Application (schema), click Queries -> Page Builder -> Manage Reporting Pages. All custom reporting pages created for that FAST application are listed:


Options on the Manage Reporting Page:

 Created (Needs Approval) - The report has been created but not approved. It is only accessible by administrators or the report creator. This will prevent reports that may contain errors in the data or reporting views from being viewable to the other users within your    institution.  Before approving a report, check to make sure that it is presenting the data that you want in the correct manner.

  Approved - The report have been reviewed and set to approved. This will make it accessible by the people that have role access to see it.

  Updated (Needs Approval) - This means that there have been changes made to the query of this report and that those changes need to be reviewed and approved before the report is made accessible again.  Changes to the administration pages or report view will not require re-approval.

To open the status details, click on the status icon.  If you have the BUILDER_APPROVER_FASTapplication role, the Approve Page or Unapprove Page buttons display. Detailed instructions on how to approve a reporting page


  Detailed instructions on how to edit a reporting page


NOTE: this is a highly technical feature that should only be used if you have the ability to directly log into the FAST database, you have such development tools as TOAD or SQL Developer, and you have the knowledge/experience/confidence to modify PL/SQL code. Once a report is converted to use a Stored Procedure, it cannot be undone through the font end.



Clicking the delete icon removes all traces of the reporting page from the system, including the menu, the Query Editor, and this page.



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