Restricting Fields (columns) on a Reporting Page

On reporting pages, there are fields (columns) with confidential data that you may not want all users to see (for example, Birth Date). With Restricted Fields you have the flexibility to decide who can or cannot see that data. When you assign one or more roles to restrict access, then only users with those roles will see the restricted column on the reporting page.  It will be hidden for all other users. In addition, if there is a filter control related to the column, it will also be hidden (on the Filter Options tab) to users without the role.

You can create a new role, for example, FINANCE_RESTRICTED, or use existing roles. Please note however, the Admin role for the FAST Finance Reporting application does not override the role you are using to restrict a field.

Additional Information:
To restrict columns on a reporting page:
  1. Open the Report Options and click the Administration tab.

  2. Click the Edit datagrid labelsData Grid Columns tab.

Restrict/hide a column (field)

  1. In the Restricted column, click Click to restrict a column/field. The list of available roles opens.

  2. From the list, select the role(s) you are using to restrict this field/column. You can select multiple roles by using ctrl-click to select more than one.

To remove the role, click Remove restricted role. The list of roles closes and the field/column is no longer restricted. This will also close the role selection box.

  1. Scroll down and click the Save and Apply Changes button.

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