The Data Grid Columns Tab

  1. You can edit the properties for the data grid on the Report Results tab (reporting page).

To Change the Data Grid Settings:

Select the Data grid Columns tab. Each data grid column is on a single line and you can make changes to these fields.

ON = Columns shows on Advanced Options and is selected by default for the end users;

  1. DE-SELECTED = Shows on Advanced Options for the end user but is de-selected (turned off) by default;

  2. HIDDEN = Does not show on the Advanced Options Tab, and is hidden from all end users

Click Save and Apply Changes to complete. Remember that to view the effective changes on the report results, you need to re-execute the report.

After re-executing the report, if you return to the Administration Tab, any global changes that have been applied to the report will now be identified using the information icon .

If you hover your cursor over this icon, you will see the previous value of the field that has been modified. Clicking the Reset Button will revert this to the previous setting.

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