About the Administration tab

On the Administration tab, you can make quick changes to the page title, Data Grid properties (ie. how the report displays for all end users), Control (ie. Filter Options) and application labels, page details and also default sort order for any standard reporting page. You also have the ability to create Restricted Fields to a report column (to limit access to one or more columns based on user roles) and to review any Virtual Columns on the page.

The changes made on the Administration Tab are global changes and will impact all end users that run the report.

If the property you want to change is not at the page level, you can use the Site Administration application. To prevent display issues some reporting pages are read-only which means that the page title and description are the only fields that can be edited.

Required roles:

The Administration tab is only accessible if you have been assigned the ADMINS role or a PAGECONTENTEDIT_FASTAPPLICATION role for that specific application. (for example, PAGECONTENTEDIT_FASTFINANCE)

To change the reporting page controls:

Select the Administration tab. If it is not open, select the +More tab and then Administration

Page Title/Description

Page Details

Sort Order

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