About Pinned Reports

Pinned reports allow you to save the reports that you use most frequently in an easy to find location so that  you will not have to re-create the report each time you wish to see it.  When you pin a report to your favourites, it is pinned as a report on your profile.  It will not be visible to other users unless it is added to public reports.

If you use specific report options on a regular basis, you can save them as a pinned report. It reduces the amount of time you spend running a report because the filter and advanced options are already set on a pinned report.  Some examples of when you might use this are listed below.



You use the same filter and/or advanced options on a daily or regular basis

Save it as a Pinned Report and mark as a Favorite for quick and easy access

You only want specific employees to see a report

Create a group role and assign the Pinned Report to that group only

You want all employees to be able to see and run the report themselves

Save the report to the "All Users" Role in your application – Row level security will still be enforced! Ensure that Menu Access has also been assigned to this Role for the Report to be accessible as more than "read only".

You want a visual representation of the data

Create a graph from the report data, save as a pinned report, then add to the Dashboard

You need to e-mail a report link with confidential information to someone who rarely uses the system

Pin the report, save as private, and then email the Execute link only. Alternatively, you could email the PDF or Excel output.

Someone wants to export data into an Excel spreadsheet or a database application

E-mail the XML and/or Excel links

Someone has requested the report in a printable format

E-mail the PDF link

You want to view the updated results of your Pinned Report every Monday morning when you get to work

Save it as a Pinned Report; use the Report Scheduler to schedule an automated delivery to your inbox every Monday morning.

You need to deliver a report to the Dean of each Faculty at the end of each Month to illustrate data pertinent to their own departmental information.

Save it as a Group Pinned Report; use the Admin Report Scheduler to deliver this to each member of the group on the last day of each month.

What you can do

Your list of Pinned reports can be found on the FAST application home page or on the reporting page. Although the lists look similar, there are a couple of differences. On the FAST application home page, you can tag any pinned report as My Favorite; on the application reporting page, you can edit or delete the pinned report.



On the FAST application home page the Pinned Reports tab has a save icon. You can click it to make it the default when you open the page (the icon turns into an ).

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