About the Page Builder

While you create the Query in the Query Builder, the Page Builder is used to create a reporting page that will have all of the same functionality as any of the other pages within FAST Finance.  The ultimate goal is for advanced users to be able to build a custom query, build a custom report from it and roll that report out with the roles and functionality so that their end users cannot distinguish between a custom report and a baseline report that is provided by the FAST Finance system.  Both reports built at your institution and reports pre-built in FAST should be exactly the same with the exact same functionality and familiarity to them.  This means that your end users will not need to know how the data fits together in the background, just what the data means when they get it.

Roles and using the Page Builder: Read an overview of the roles required to create a reporting page.

Setup for non admin users to create reporting pages: Use these instructions to set up roles and access for end users so they can create their own custom reporting pages.

The Page Builder menu gives you options to:

Create Reporting Page: You can create your own reporting page based on a custom SQL query you created or that is already in the Query Builder. You can run the wizard, import the query, and then select filter controls and columns based on the fields in your custom query.

Manage Reporting Pages: In this section, you can view details about a new reporting page and then test and approve it; you can also edit and delete a reporting page.

Manage Reporting Page Links: Add links from one of your reporting pages to another one.

Exporting and Importing Reporting Pages: Export the reporting page to your computer so you can import it into a different FAST instance.

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