Options on the Report Results tab

After you select your filter options and run the report, the results page opens. There are several things you can do to further customize and display the data on the reporting page.


+ More

Select the + More tab to access tabs that do not open automatically.

Filter Trail

The filters used to create the report. Click to go back to the Filter Options.

Dynamic columns

Change the column sort order or column width.

Advanced Options

Use your Advanced Options to unlock additional report-level features

Column filters

Click the column title to open the list of options and apply custom column filters.

Column Level Dynamic Selection

Use the Column Level Dynamic Selection to collect a selection of values to apply against another report.

Highlight Entire Row

Double click on any cell (field) in a row OR Single Click on the Row # to highlight the row for quick and easy reference. This is especially useful on larger reporting pages.


Create a graph on select reports using the Graph button.

Infinite Scrolling

Navigate easily through the results without the need to paginate.

Pinned Report

Save regularly used report options or graphs as a Pinned Report.

Exporting data

Export report data to an Excel spreadsheet or into a PDF. Additional options include CSV and XML, however all options may not be enabled at every institution.

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