Using Subtotals to Group Report Results

The Advanced Option of Subtotals has been added to the Advanced Options Tab to allow users to group the report results visually by up to three fields (columns) in the report. This is an option that allows users to change the report flow and format while maintaining the integrity of the original report.

To use the Sub-totaling option, after running a FAST report, select the Advanced Options Tab and locate the Subtotaling Fields option:

The users can include up to three levels of subtotals in each report where this function is available. Please note the by increasing the number of fields, the speed of the report results can decrease (depending on the total number of records on the original report).

Here is an example of how Subtotals may be used to refine report data and group by category:
  1. In this sample, I ran a Foundation report in FAST Student Reporting; once the report runs, click on the Advanced Options Tab;

  2. Add between one and three fields to use in the Subtotal Advanced Options:

  1. You will notice that each of the fields selected are no longer available to Group, and Cross Tabs and Unique Records are also disabled once the Sub-totaling option has been enabled, these panes will collapse and/or be removed from the Grid Options:

  1. You can also, at any time, remove additional values (columns) from the report by clicking the Display indicator next to the Column Header. You can also re-arrange columns and/or Sort columns in any number of ways before moving on. These are fully explained in the Grid Options.

  2. When you're ready to review the revised report details, click Execute Report; remember that depending on the total number of records generated, adding multiple layers of sub-totaling can cause the report run slower. Be patient.

  3. You can now review the report detail by sub-totaled field; these fields are broken out using visual (color-coded) dividers and each header bar is clearly labelled. If you place your cursor on any of the footer bars (also color-coded to match the sub-totaled category), the label will display as a pop-up. This is a valuable tool in cases where there are a large number of records and/or in cases where the report results extend beyond the screen limits causing you to scroll to see the right-hand columns; in this case, each category will clearly display as a pop-up on the footer bar as a valuable point of reference.

Your report is now ready to be saved as a Pinned Report or you can continue to make edits using the Advanced Options or report level functionality.

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