Adding, editing, or deleting Home Page Links and News

On the FAST Home Page and within each application there is a Links section and an Announcements section; they are located on the right hand side of the page on the Application Info Tab. On the Application Home Page, they are located in the same position on the Application Info Tab.  

You can use the Links section for reports, forms, and web sites that are used regularly. The Announcements section can have notices and reminders, for example, scheduled maintenance.

The news items will display, by default in reverse chronological order (newest on top, oldest at the bottom). You can maintain and delete your news items as often as necessary.

Required roles:

The edit icon in the Links and Announcements sections display only if you have been assigned the ADMINS role or LINKSADMIN_FASTAPP role.

To add or edit a link or news announcement:

  1. On the menu, click Home.

  2. On the right, below the FAST Applications, click anywhere on the bar (or the down arrow) to open the Links or Announcements (News).

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. To add a new item, click i_plusequals.gif.

  5. To edit an item, click Edit.

  1. In the first box, type the name of the link or announcement.

  2. In the second box, type the URL. The http:// is inserted for you, however you may have to add an s (https://) if the link is to a secure URL.

  1. Click save Save.

You can click Cancel to cancel the new item or the changes for an existing item.

To delete a link or announcement:

  1. Click the down arrow to open the Links or Announcements (News) section.

  2. Find the item you want to delete and click Delete.


Click Click to close the FAST application menu to close the Links or Announcements sections.

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