Multi-level list

The multi-level list is used for multiple levels of data—usually accounting codes, and has the following elements:


  Use this control to find accounting codes

  • Descriptive title.

  • Blank list box.

  • Clear Clear icon to remove selected item(s) from the list.

  • Magnify icon Search to open the data for the multi-level list.

  • Add Add item icon to add the code from the box to the list box.



Type a code:

In the box, type a code and do one of the following to add the code to the list box:

Select a code from the list:

The multi-level list looks similar to other controls but the functionality is very different.

  1. Click the magnify icon i_search_icon.gif to open the list of codes.

  2. Click a code with the expand icon i_expand.gif to drill down and find codes that report to it.

  3. When you find the codes you want (without the expand icon) click to highlight them.

  4. Click the green check i_check_mark.gif. The codes are added to the list box.

In this example, we drilled down to find code 13100 and 13128. The codes you drill down from are added as a cookie trail at the top of the popup. You can click any underlined code to go back up a level, or click ss_v3_multi_level_list_home.gif to go home.

Top Level

Expand code 10000


Expand code 13000


Expand code 13100


Click code 13100 and 13128

Expand code 10000

Expand code 13000

Expand code 13100

Click codes 13100 and 13128 to select

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