Turn the Debug Report on for all users

As an administrator, you can turn the Debug Report on for all users and all reporting pages for the entire FAST application. When the setting is changed to Yes, the debugging history is listed for every user that runs a report and all users with access to the debug report will see the history. It is very important to change the setting back to No when issues are resolved.

To turn the Debug Report on for all users:

  1. On the Administration menu, click Configuration Settings.

  2. Scroll down to find Item # 1337 and click edit i_pencil.gif.

  3. In the Text Value column, change the value to Y and then click save i_save.gif.

The debugging check box is disabled on all reporting pages and overrides individual user settings.


Remember to change Item 1337 back to N when you are finished, otherwise debug reports from all reporting pages may clog the system.

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