Creating a Grid

In some cases, you may wish to drive your workflow from the Dashboard Tab but there may be Pinned Reports in your list that are not conducive to graphing. In these cases, you may simply want to leave them as standard Pinned Reports and retrieve them from your Pinned Reports Tab at any time. In other cases, you may wish to still add the detail to your Dashboard, but not in the form of a standard Graph.

To do this, you will first begin by creating a standard Pinned Report.

Once you've created the parameters, added the filters and perfected the formatting and are ready to save, you will click the Save As button, just as you would for any Pinned Report:

The Save As Dialogue Box will display as follows - ensure that you select the Make Grid Available on Dashboard option before clicking Save:

Next step is locating that new Grid and adding it to one or more Dashboards. As with adding any standard Graph to a Dashboard, you will locate the Dashboard you would like to manage, click Edit Design to enter the Edit Mode and then locate the Grid on the left-hand pane. When you find it, simply drag & drop it as you would any other Graph and be sure to place it in the position you would like it to display. You will notice that all Dashboard Items are labelled with small visual icons that will show you what type of item each is. The options are:

Once you've located the item and added it to your Dashboard, you can also re-size and re-locate the Grid. Once you're happy with the placement, click View to see the Dashboard out of Edit Mode. The Grid will display like this, side-by-side with your other Dashboard items:

The other option is to save your Pinned Reports as both a Graph and a Grid. This option allows you to include one or both item formats on your Dashboard for review.

Once you have created your graph, and click Create a New Pinned Report or Update This Pinned Report, be sure to check both the Make Graph Available on Dashboard and Make Grid Available on Dashboard options:

Once you click Save and return to you Dashboard Tab in Edit Mode, you will see both items - with the same title - displayed with two different icons, indicating that these are both available for use and display on your Dashboards:


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