Downloading a Custom Report

Downloading a Custom reporting page is a good way to back up your custom reports, create a copy of a reporting page or migrate your reporting pages to another site.  It is always recommended to create and test your custom reports in your testing environment before you put them into the productions system.  

You can download a custom reporting page from the Page Builder Manage Reporting Pages.  

It is recommended that you save the report prior to downloading.
To Download (Export) a Custom Reporting Page
  1. On the Reporting Pages menu, click Manage Reporting Pages.

  2. Click    for the report that you want to download.

  3. Specify a file location to save the report to.

        • The report will be an encrypted structured XML file which can be imported into another FAST site, such as your production system.  DO NOT make any changes to this file.

  4. Click Save. You may want to keep the file as a backup.

  5. To download (Export) the existing Hyperlinks associated with your custom reporting page, go directly to the reporting page and select the + More Tab and choose the Hyperlinks option. Select the Export Hyperlinks button:

  1. Once you select the Export Hyperlinks button, the file(s) will download and you can save them to your computer or network and then when you are ready, Import (Upload) the Hyperlinks to the next environment and follow the steps to Import (Upload) the existing Hyperlinks.

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