Uploading a Custom Reporting Page

Uploading a Custom reporting page is a good way to restore a back up your custom reports, create a new reporting page that is very similar to an existing page or migrate your reporting pages from another site.  It is always recommended to create and test your custom reports in your testing environment before you put them into the productions system.  

You must first have Downloaded the custom reporting page prior to moving on to this step.

You can Upload a custom reporting page from the Page Builder Manage Reporting Pages

To Upload (Import) a Custom Reporting Page
  1. On the Queries menu, Click on Page Builder, then Manage Reporting Pages.

  2. Click on the Upload Report button in the bottom left of the Manage Custom Reports page.


  1. Specify a filename and location to locate the source report file.  You can click Browse to locate for the file.The Choose File dialog box opens.

      1. From the Look in list, locate the folder where you previously saved the reporting page with the .mcsl extension. Do not change the File Name.

  1. Select the file and click Open. The filename and path are inserted into the dialog box.

  2. Click Upload File. The Custom Page Details open with information about the report.

      • The report will be an encrypted structured XML file.  Do Not modify this file before you upload it.

  3. In the Menu Item Name Lang 1 (or Lang 2) box, you can change the name of the menu item.

  4. Specify the Menu Location for the new report.  

      • If you are uploading a copy of an existing report, you will get a message that states that the page already exists and you must choose to Overwrite the existing page or generate a new page ID.

  1. Click on Create Page.

Because Uploading a custom reporting page does not bring the roles in from the source page, you will need to assign roles to this new page.

 Assigning Roles to a New Custom Reporting Page


  1. To upload (Import) the existing Hyperlinks associated with your custom reporting page, go directly to the reporting page and select the + More Tab and choose the Hyperlinks option. Select the Import Hyperlinks button:

  1. Once you select the button, you will be walked through the simple wizard to find the file where you saved the Exported (downloaded) Hyperlink files to import, and a destination to import them to.

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